Fourth Quarter 2016 OTCQB Venture Index Performance and Rebalancing

On January 23, OTC Markets Group announced the fourth quarter performance and re-balance of their OTCQB Venture Index (in addition to their other indices).
The OTCQB Venture Index (.OTCQB), which tracks the overall OTCQB Venture Market, was up 13.2% in the fourth quarter and down 3.4% for the full year 2016. One hundred six companies (106) were added to the .OTCQB index in Q4 and one hundred two (102) companies were removed.
The OTCQB Venture Index currently consist of 581 issuers. 84% of the OTCQB Venture Index's constituents are based in the US, 14% are Canadian based, and 2% are headquartered in other countries.
The majority of OTCQB listed issuers are qualified for inclusion in the OTCQB Venture Index. Not being in compliance with the indexe's defined liquidty screen (one trade at least every 10 days) is the primary reason OTCQB listed issuers are not included in the index or are deleted from the index. Learn more about the OTCQB Venture Index Rules HERE.
Below are the issuers included in the OTCQB Venture Index as of January 23, 2017:
ABCED ABCO Energy, Inc. ABHD Abtech Holdings, Inc. ABWN Airborne Wireless Network ACAR Activecare Inc. ACBFF Aurora Cannabis Inc. ACCA Acacia Diversified Holdings, Inc. ACFN Acorn Energy, Inc. ACLZ Accelerize Inc. ACNV Accelera Innovations, Inc. ACXA Accurexa Inc. ADMT ADM Tronics Unlimited, Inc. ADYNF Algae Dynamics Corp. AEEX Asia Equity Exchange Group, Inc. AEGG American Energy Group, Ltd. (THE) AEPP Advanced Environmental Petroleum Producers, Inc. AERO Aero Grow International, Inc. AERT Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, Inc. AEXE Aim Exploration Inc. AEYE AudioEye, Inc. AFTM AfterMaster, Inc. AGNU AG&E Holdings, Inc. AGSTF Arcturus Growthstar Technologies Inc. AHIT American Housing Income Trust, Inc. AIKO Alternative Investment Corporation AIOM Axiom Holdings, Inc. AKTS Akoustis Technologies, Inc. ALES Evans Brewing Co Inc ALLM Alliance Bioenergy Plus, Inc. AMMJ American Cannabis Company, Inc. AMNL Applied Minerals, Inc. AMPG Amplitech Group Inc. AMTY Amerityre Corp. ANDR Andrea Electronics Corp. ANFC Black Ridge Oil & Gas, Inc. ANLDF Anfield Resources, Inc. ANPFF Anpulo Food, Inc. ANTB AntriaBio, Inc. AOLS Aeolus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. APGI American Power Group Corp. APHQF Aphria Inc. AQSZF Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc. ARCK ARC Group, Inc. ARNI Arno Therapeutics, Inc. ARTH Arch Therapeutics, Inc. ASNB AdvanSource Biomaterials Corp. ASPUD Aspen Group Inc. ASTI Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc. ATEA Astea International Inc. ATTBF Abattis Bioceuticals Corp. AUTCF AutoChina International Limited AUXOD AUXILIO, Inc. AVLIF Advantage Lithium Corp. AWAW White Fox Ventures, Inc. AXDDF ALMADEX MINERALS LTD. AXIM Axim Biotechnologies, Inc. AXPW Axion Power International, Inc. AZUR Azure Midstream Partners, LP BABB BAB, Inc. BAYK Bay Banks of Virginia, Inc. BBTH bBooth, Inc. BCML Bay Commercial Bank (Walnut Creek CA) BCTXF Briacell Therapeutics Corp. BCYP Blue Calypso, Inc. BDIC Blow & Drive Interlock Corp. BERK Berkshire Bancorp, Inc. BEVVF Bee Vectoring Technologies International Inc. BFCF BFC Financial Corp. BFGC Bullfrog Gold Corp. BIEI Premier Biomedical Inc BIOAF biOasis Technologies Inc. BKYID BIO-key International, Inc. BLBDW Blue Bird Corporation BLGO BioLargo, Inc. BLSP Blue Sphere Corp. BLSSF Black Sea Copper and Gold Corp. BMNM Bimini Capital Management, Inc. BNET Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. BNNP Bank of Napa N.A. (CA) BRFH Barfresh Food Group Inc. BRTX BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. BSGM BioSig Technologies, Inc. BSRC BioSolar, Inc. BTCS BTCS Inc. BTCY Biotricity Inc. BTHCF Breathtec Biomedical Inc BTHE Boston Therapeutics Inc BTHI Butte Highlands Mining Co. BWBG Blue Water Bar & Grill, Inc. BXNG Bang Holdings Corp. CAFN Cachet Financial Solutions, Inc. CANN General Cannabis Corp. CAPC Capstone Companies, Inc. CAPS Capstone Therapeutics Corp CASL A.M. Castle & Co. CATC Cambridge Bancorp CATS Catasys Inc. CBBT Cerebain Biotech Corp. CBDS Cannabis Sativa, Inc. CBJC Capital Bank (San Juan Capistrano, CA) CCNI Command Center, Inc. CDXI Cardax, Inc. CGWB China Gewang Biotechnology, Inc. CHKDP Chesapeake Energy Corp. CIBH CIB Marine Bancshares, Inc. CIIX, Inc. CLOK Cipherloc Corp. CLSH CLS Holdings USA, Inc. CLWD CloudCommerce, Inc. CMCI China Modern Agricultural Information Inc. CMETF Chilean Metals Inc. CMXC Cell MedX Corp. CNAB United Cannabis Corp. CNBX Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Inc. CNCG Concierge Technologies, Inc. CNRR CN Resources, Inc. CNZCF Canadian Zeolite Corp COCP Cocrystal Pharma, Inc. COSM Cosmos Holdings Inc. COTQF Critical Outcome Technologies, Inc. CPKF Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc. CRCUF Canarc Resource Corp. CRGS CurAegis Technologies, Inc. CRVW Careview Communications, Inc. CSEI Receivable Acquisition & Management Corp. CTBO Cantabio Pharmaceuticals Inc. CTDH CTD Holdings, Inc. CTGO Contango Ore, Inc. CTIX Cellceutix Corp. CTMIF Centenera Mng Corp. CTTC Calmare Therapeutics Inc. CTVEF Certive Solutions, Inc. CTXR Citius Pharmaceuticals Inc. CVAT Cavitation Technologies, Inc. CVSI CV Sciences, Inc. CVVUF CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. CWBB Commonwealth Business Bank (Los Angeles, CA) CWGL Crimson Wine Group Ltd. CXEE China Xuefeng Environmental Engineering, Inc. CYBF Cyberfort Software, Inc. CYDY CytoDyn Inc. CYIG China YCT International Group, Inc. CYLU Cyalume Technologies Holdings, Inc. CZICF Canadian Zinc Corp. DBCP Delmar Bancorp DDRT DanDrit Biotech USA, Inc. DEWY Dewey Electronics Corp. (The) DIGAF Digatrade Financial Corp. DIGP Digipath Inc DIMN Diamante Minerals, Inc. DLYT Dais Analytic Corp. DPWW Diego Pellicer Worldwide, Inc. DSGT DSG Global Inc DSNY Destiny Media Technologies, Inc. DSOX Triton Emission Solutions Inc. DTGI Digerati Technologies, Inc. DTII Defense Technologies International Corp. DTRC Dakota Territory Resource Corp DTSS DATASEA INC DTST Data Storage Corp. DXIEF DXI Energy Inc. DYFSF Dynacert Inc ECIG Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Ltd. ECORF Elcora Advanced Materials Corp. ECPN El Capitan Precious Metals, Inc. ECSIF eCobalt Solutions, Inc. ECTE Echo Therapeutics, Inc. EDIG e.Digital Corp. EGTYF Eguana Technologies Inc ELRN Greenwood Hall, Inc. ELTP Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. EMPK Empire Bancorp Inc. (NY) EMSF EMS Find, Inc. ENCR Ener-Core, Inc. ENDV Endonovo Therapeutics, Inc. ENRT Enertopia Corp ENUM Enumeral Biomedical Holdings, Inc. ENZR Energizer Resources Inc. ERGO Entia Biosciences Inc. ESDI Eastside Distilling, Inc. ESMC Escalon Medical Corp. ESOA Energy Services of America Corp. ESPH Ecosphere Technologies, Inc. ETFM 2050 Motors, Inc. ETHOF Ethos Gold Corp. EVSI Envision Solar International, Inc. EVSNF Elbit Vision Systems Ltd. EWLL eWellness Healthcare Corp EXCC Excel Corp. EXCFF Metalla Royalty and Streaming Ltd. EXEO Exeo Entertainment Inc EXOL EXOlifestyle, Inc. EXPI eXp World Holdings, Inc. EZJR EZJR Inc. FASDF FANTASY ACES DAILY FANTASY SPORTS CORP FCHS First Choice Healthcare Solutions, Inc. FENCF Fennec Pharmaceuticals, Inc. FKWL Franklin Wireless Corp. FLUX Flux Power Holdings, Inc. FMBL Farmers & Merchants Bank of Long Beach (CA) FMCC Freddie Mac FNBG FNB Bancorp FNMA Fannie Mae FNRN First Northern Community Bancorp FPMI FluoroPharma Medical, Inc. FPVD Force Protection Video Equipment Corp. FREEF FreeSeas, Inc. FSNR Freestone Resources, Inc. FTCY Global Future City Holding Inc. FTXP Foothills Exploration, Inc FUTL FutureLand Corp. FUTU Future Healthcare of America FVRG ForeverGreen Worldwide Corp. GARWF Golden Arrow Resource Corp. GBLX GrowBlox Sciences, Inc. GBSND Great Basin Scientific, Inc. GEQU Global Equity International Inc GIGL Giggles N' Hugs Inc. GKIT Greenkraft, Inc. GLDFF Golden Leaf Hldgs Ltd GLGI Greystone Logistics, Inc. GLLA Gilla, Inc. GLRI Glori Energy Inc GLTC GelTech Solutions, Inc. GLXZ Galaxy Gaming, Inc. GOPH Gopher Protocol, Inc GOVX GeoVax Labs, Inc. GPCM, Inc. GPHBF Graphene 3D Lab, Inc. GROG GroGenesis, Inc. GRRB GrandSouth Bancorporation GRSO Grow Solutions Holdings, Inc. GRST Greenestone Healthcare Corp. GRWC Grow Condos, Inc. GSPE Gulfslope Energy, Inc. GSPH Geospatial Corporation GTHP Guided Therapeutics, Inc. GTMAY Grupo TMM S.A.B. HEWA, Inc. HGBL Heritage Global Inc. HISP Hispanica International Delights of America, Inc. HLAN Heartland BancCorp HLSPY Heliospectra AB HLWD Almost Never Films Inc. HMMR Hammer Fiber Optics Holdings Corp. HOFD HomeFed Corp. HPCQ HPC Acquisitions, Inc. HPTO hopTo Inc. HSDT Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. HYSR Hypersolar Inc IAALF IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. IBTGF International Barrier Technology Inc. ICEIF Intelligent Content Enterprises Inc. ICLD InterCloud Systems, Inc. ICPW Ironclad Performance Wear Corp. IDDR IDdriven, Inc. IDNG Independence Energy Corp. IEBS Independence Bancshares, Inc. (SC) IEVM Integrated Environmental Technologies, Ltd. IFRTF International Frontier Resources Corp. IGNG Imaging3, Inc. IINX Ionix Technology, Inc. ILIU Interleukin Genetics, Inc. IMII Inception Mining Inc. IMLFF InMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. IMMD ImmuDyne, Inc. IMUN Immune Therapeutics, Inc. INBP Integrated BioPharma, Inc. INIS International Isotopes, Inc. INLX Intellinetics, Inc. INNV Innovus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. INQD Indoor Harvest Corp. INTZ Intrusion, Inc. ISCO International Stem Cell Corp. ISGN iSign Solutions Inc. ITHUF Ianthus Capital Holdings, Inc. IVDN Innovative Designs, Inc. IVFH Innovative Food Holdings, Inc. IWSY ImageWare Systems, Inc. JANL Janel Corp. JCDAF Jacada Ltd. JFBC Jeffersonville Bancorp JFIL Jubilant Flame International Ltd. JMDA Jerrick Media Holdings, Inc. JMSB John Marshall Bank JRSS JRSIS Health Care Corp JSDA Jones Soda Co. KAYS Kaya Holdings, Inc. KBLB Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. KDUS Cadus Corp. KEEKF KEEK INC. KNTNF K92 Mining Inc KRED KonaRed Corp KSHB KUSH BOTTLES INC KWBT Kiwa Bio-Tech Products Group Corp. LCLP Life Clips, Inc. LDHL LD Holdings, Inc. LDSYF Lifestyle Delivery Systems, Inc. LEAI Legacy Education Alliance, Inc. LEAT Leatt Corp. LEMIF Leading Edge Materials Corp. LEOM Leo Motors, Inc. LFGP Ledyard Financial Group, Inc. LGORF Largo Resources Ltd. LIEG LI3 Energy, Inc. LIXT Lixte Biotechnology Holdings, Inc. LKAI LKA Gold Inc. LLEX Lilis Energy, Inc. LLPP Loop Industries, Inc. LMBHW Limbach Holdings, Inc LMDCF Lingo Media Corporation LOGG LifeLogger Technologies Corp. LQMT Liquidmetal Technologies, Inc. LSYN Liberated Syndication Inc LTUM Lithium Corporation. LWLG Lightwave Logic, Inc. LXRP Lexaria Bioscience Corp. MAGE Magellan Gold Corporation MAYGF Meadow Bay Gold Corp. MCCX McorpCX, Inc. MCIG mCig, Inc. MDCL Medicine Man Technologies Inc. MDIT Medite Cancer Diagnostics, Inc. MEEC Midwest Energy Emissions Corp. MENB Mendocino Brewing Co., Inc. MEPW ME Renewable Power Corp. MFON Mobivity Holdings Corp. MFST Medifirst Solutions Inc. MHDG Mullan Agritech, Inc MHTX Manhattan Scientifics, Inc. MJNE MJ Holdings, Inc. MJTV Michael James Enterprises, Inc. MKGI Monaker Group, Inc. MKRS Mikros Systems Corp. MKTY Mechanical Technology, Inc. MLFB Major League Football, Inc. MLNLF Millennial Lithium Corp. MMMB MamaMancini's Holdings, Inc. MNTR Mentor Capital, Inc. MOBQ Mobiquity Technologies, Inc. MRIC MRI Interventions Inc MRLB Miramar Labs Inc MRNA Marina Biotech, Inc. MRPHF Marapharm Ventures Inc. MSLP MusclePharm Corp. MSRT MassRoots, Inc. MTNB Matinas Biopharma Holdings, Inc. MTST MetaStat, Inc. MVBF MVB Financial Corp. MXSG Mexus Gold US MYAN MYnd Analytics, Inc. MYDX MyDx, Inc. MYHI Mountain High Acquisitions Corp. MYMX Mymetics Corp. MZEI Medizone International, Inc. NAEI New Asia Energy, Inc. NAFS North America Frac Sand, Inc. NANX Nanophase Technologies Corp. NBFT NABUfit Global, Inc. NDMT NOWNEWS DIGITAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGY CO LTD NEIK Northstar Electronics Inc. NEPH Nephros, Inc. NESC Nuverra Environmental Solutions, Inc. NJMC New Jersey Mining Company NMUS Nemus Bioscience, Inc. NMXS Net Medical Xpress Solutions, Inc. NPHC Nutra Pharma Corp. NROM Noble Roman's, Inc. NSFDF NXT Energy Solutions Inc. NSPX Inspyr Therapeutics, Inc. NTCXF Natcore Technology Inc . NTRPD Neurotrope, Inc. NTRR Neutra Corp. NUGN NuGene International, Inc. NULM New Ulm Telecom, Inc. NVIC N-Viro International Corp. NWBO Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc. NWYF Northway Financial, Inc. NXGH Next Group Holdings, Inc. NXOPF NexOptic Technology Corp OBMP OncBioMune Pharmaceuticals, Inc. OCLN OriginClear, Inc. OGRMF Organigram Holdings, Inc. OMAG Omagine, Inc. OMTK Omnitek Engineering Corp. OPBK OP Bancorp OPMZ 1pm Industries, Inc. OPNT Opiant Pharmaceuticals, Inc. OPRX OptimizeRx Corp. OPVS NanoFlex Power Corporation OPXS Optex Systems Holdings, Inc. ORGS Orgenesis, Inc. ORNC Oranco, Inc. OVTZ Oculus Visiontech, Inc. OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. OXIS OXIS International, Inc. PARA Premara Financial, Inc. PAWEF Pacific North West Capital Corp. PBAM Private Bancorp of America, Inc. PBIO Pressure BioSciences, Inc. PBOX Paybox Corp. PBSV Pharma-Bio Serv, Inc. PDPTF Pudo Inc. PEMIF Pure Energy Minerals Ltd. PENC PEN Inc. PFHO Pacific Health Care Organization, Inc. PFLC Pacific Financial Corp. PFTI puraDYN Filter Technologies, Inc. PFWI Petrone Worldwide, Inc. PGCG Prime Global Capital Group Inc. PGOL Patriot Gold Corp. PGUS ProGreen US, Inc. PKPL Park Place Energy Inc. PKTX ProtoKinetix, Inc. PMCB PharmaCyte Biotech, Inc. PPCH Propanc Health Group Corp. PRGB Protea Biosciences Group Inc PRGNF Paragon Shipping, Inc. PRHL Premier Holding Corp. PROP Propell Technologies Group, Inc. PRTX Protalex, Inc. PSID PositiveID Corp. PTLF Petlife Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PTOI Plastic2Oil, Inc. PUGB Puget Sound Bancorp, Inc. PURE PURE Bioscience PVCT Provectus Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. PVHO Provision Holding, Inc. PVOTF Pivot Pharmaceuticals Inc. PWVI PowerVerde, Inc. QBIO Q BioMed Inc. QMCI QuoteMedia, Inc. QPAG QPAGOS QSEP QS Energy, Inc. QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. QUES Quest Solution, Inc. RBIZ RealBiz Media Group Inc. RCCMF Nippon Dragon Resources, Inc. REEMF Rare Element Resources Ltd. REPCF RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. RGBP Regen Biopharma, Inc. RGCTF Redstar Gold Corp. RGRX RegeneRx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. RHNO Rhino Resource Partners LP RIBS Southern Concepts Restaurant Group, Inc. RIHT Rightscorp, Inc. RLGMF West Red Lake Gold Mines, Inc. RLMD Relmada Therapeutics, Inc. RMHB Rocky Mountain High Brands, Inc. ROYL Royale Energy, Inc. RQHTF Reliq Health Technologies Inc. RSPI RespireRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. RSRT RealSource Residential, Inc. RSSFF Affinor Growers, Inc. RSSS Research Solutions, Inc. RSSV Resort Savers, Inc. SAENF Solar Alliance Energy Inc. SCOO School Specialty, Inc. SDOI Special Diversified Opportunities Inc. SENR Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources, Inc. SENY Sauer Energy, Inc. SFHI Sports Field Holdings, Inc. SGBI Sangui BioTech International, Inc. SGBY Signal Bay, Inc. SGGV Sterling Group Ventures, Inc. SGLB Sigma Labs, Inc. SHMP NaturalShrimp Incorporated SKAS Saker Aviation Services Inc. SKKY Skkynet Cloud Systems Inc. SKVI Skinvisible, Inc. SLDRF Iberian Minerals Ltd. SMBZF Simba Energy Inc. SMLR Semler Scientific, Inc. SMME SmartMetric, Inc. SMPR Standard Metals Processing, Inc. SNBP Sun BioPharma, Inc. SNWV SANUWAVE Health, Inc. SOAN AngioSoma, Inc. SOCGP Southern California Gas Co. SODI Solitron Devices, Inc. SOIGF Strata Oil & Gas Inc. SOUP Soupman Inc. SPGX Sustainable Petroleum Group Inc. SPIN Spine Injury Solutions, Inc. SPLIF Nutritional High Intl Inc. SPYR SPYR, Inc. SRCH Searchlight Minerals Corp. SRGZ Star Gold Corp. SRMC Sierra Monitor Corp. SRNA Surna Inc. SSMLF Nevada Energy Metals Inc. SSOL Sunvalley Solar, Inc. SSPC SpendSmart Networks, Inc. SSVFF Southern Silver Exploration Corp. STGG STG Group, Inc. STLT Spotlight Innovation Inc. STTH Stealth Technologies, Inc. STVID Snap Interactive, Inc. SUGR Sugar Creek Financial Corp. SURP Surepure, Inc. SVBL Silver Bull Resources, Inc. SVON Sevion Therapeutics, Inc. SWKH SWK Holdings Corp SYEV Seychelle Environmental Technologies, Inc. SYHBF Skyharbour Resources Ltd. SYTE Sitestar Corp. TALN Talon International, Inc. TBTC Table Trac, Inc. TECR TechCare Corp. TFVR TimefireVR Inc. THCBF THC Biomed International Ltd. THMG Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. TKAT Takung Art Co., Ltd. TKOI Telkonet, Inc. TLRS Timberline Resources Corp. TMPS Tempus Applied Solutions Holdings, Inc. TNTY True Nature Holding, Inc. TOFB Tofutti Brands, Inc. TPCA Tropicana Entertainment Inc. TPCS Techprecision Corp. TPNL 3Pea International, Inc. TRFX Terafox Corp. TRKK Orbital Tracking Corp TRXD Trxade Group, Inc. TRXO T-Rex Oil, Inc. TTCM Tautachrome Inc. TTEG Turbine Truck Engines, Inc. TTMZF 3TL Technologies Corp TURV Two Rivers Water & Farming Company TWER Towerstream Corp. TWOC Trans World Corp. TYMI Tyme Technologies, Inc. UEEC United Health Products, Inc. UGEIF UGE International Ltd. ULTR Ultrapetrol Bahamas Limited ULUR ULURU Inc. UMED UMED Holdings Inc. UMEWF UMeWorld Limited USEL, Inc. USRM U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. UVND U-Vend, Inc. VAPI Vapir Enterprises Inc. VBIO Vitality Biopharma, Inc. VCSY Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. VEND Generation Next Franchise Brands Inc VICA HCi Viocare VLDI Validian Corp. VLMGF Viscount Mining Corp VLRX Valeritas Holdings, Inc. VPIG Virtual Piggy, Inc. VPLM VOIP, Inc. VRME VerifyMe, Inc. VSUL Visualant, Inc. VXEL Vitaxel Group Limited VYEY Victory Energy Corp. WARM Cool Technologies, Inc. WCTXF LICO ENERGY METALS INC. WCUI Wellness Center USA Inc WDDD Worlds, Inc. WEYL Weyland Tech Inc. WFCF Where Food Comes From, Inc. WGMCF Winston Gold Mining Corp. WHSI Wearable Health Solutions, Inc WIZD Wizard World, Inc. WLKR Walker Innovation Inc. WMLLF Wealth Minerals Ltd. WMTM White Mountain Titanium Corp. WNDM Wound Management Technologies, Inc. WNDW SolarWindow Technologies, Inc. WRIT WRIT Media Group, Inc. WSCRF North American Nickel, Inc. WTER Alkaline Water Company Inc. (The) XFTB XFIT BRANDS INC XTGRF Xtra-Gold Resources Corp. YEWB Yew Bio-Pharm Group, Inc. YPPN Yappn Corp. ZADDF Zadar Ventures Ltd. ZENO Zenosense, Inc. ZIVO Zivo Bioscience, Inc. ZMTP Zoom Telephonics Inc. ZYXI Zynex, Inc. ZZLL ZZLL Information Technology, Inc.
Acquis Capital is a private investment fund that specializes in acquisition and project finance. Acquis invests in small public and private companies to fund acquisitions or other projects that create immediate tangible value. For more information please contact us or follow us at @MicroMnA.